
Further Licensing Issues – Police Policy

Property Letters We are encountering issues regarding property letter sizes.  Specifically, a change in policy within Police Licensing Services (PLS) on what are adequate property sizes for certain calibre firearms.  Read More…

Update on the Adler

Update on the Adler Currently, the Adler shotgun is being imported as a five shot shotgun. It is legal to license the Adler shotgun in every state in Australia.   There Read More…

Potential Licensing Changes

There have been rumors circulated that there will be a meeting to discuss changes to the National Firearms Agreement or firearms licensing in Western Australia.  Unfortunately, specifics cannot be obtained Read More…

Reloading for Performance

An Easier Method of Reloading for Performance While there are some financial gains to reloading your own ammunition for your centrefire rifle, the primary reason for reloading is performance.  Performance Read More…

20 cal Squeeze bore – Part 1 A squeeze bore, or extruder firearm is one that fires a projectile that is larger than the rifling diameter of the barrel. When the Read More…

ATN Product Review

Today the team came in early for Sales Training which, this week, was run by Renae. Renae had organised a detailed information session on Groundforce products, specifically the ATN Night/Day Read More…