
Police Policy Overriding Public Interest

Police Policy Overriding Public Interest The Western Australian Firearm Regulations, Schedule 3: Firearm Categories 7 .         Category D firearms  D1       a self loading centre fire rifle designed or Read More…

40 Years – Beatons Today

    My name is Zaine Beaton and this is the final installment of the History of Beaton Firearms. In the last blog I mentioned our two great expansions.  In Read More…

40 Years – Expansion in Perth

Beaton’s 40th – Expansion in Perth As part of our 40th Birthday celebrations I’m sharing a little of the history of Beaton Firearms and how we went from Bill Beaton’s Read More…

40 Years of Beaton Firearms

The Stirling Ranges, photographed from Gnowangerup in Western Australia’s South   2018 – Beaton Firearms turns 40   A relatively typical story in the firearm world – a man with Read More…


“If you can see a repair, it hasn’t been done correctly”     Firearms are a beautiful blend of craftsmanship – The finish on the metalwork, the shape of the Read More…

Licencing Policy Change

  Unacceptable Licensing ‘Amendments’   In 2003 I got my personal firearms license.  The Police were adamant that I had to apply at my local Police station (Gosnells Police Station). Read More…

Shots Fired!

“I don’t give a stuff about the national interest, I want to get re-elected and this needs to go away” – The late Don Randall, Member of Parliament for Western Read More…

22 Nosler

The latest introduction by Nosler has taken a sharp detour from its sibilings.  Nosler started with the 6.5 and followed with cartridges with the same size engine but increasing bullet Read More…